
Set the inset, or margins, around the inside of a frame.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

This class has three constructors.

PFrameInset(long nTop, long nLeft, long nBottom, long nRight);

long nTop;
Size of the inset on the top edge of the frame in twips
long nLeft;
Size of the inset on the left edge of the frame in twips
long nBottom;
Size of the inset on the bottom edge of the frame in twips
long nRight;
Size of the inset on the right edge of the frame in twips
PFrameInset(long leftRight, long topBottom);
long nTop;
Size of the inset on the top and bottom edges of the frame in twips
long nLeft;
Size of the inset on the left and right edges of the frame in twips
PFrameInset(long allAround);
long allAround;
Size of the inset on all sides in twips.

Note. The selected frames must have either text content or no content.

Example. This example puts a 0.25 inch inset on all four sides of a selected frame.


See also

The PAttachContent, PBreakLinks, PFrameContentPos, PLinkFrames, PSeparateContent, and PToggleFrame commands

The PGetFrameContentPos, PGetFrameInset, PGetFrameContentType, PGetIsFrame, and PGetNextFrame queries

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